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Student Health
For the protection of your child, other children and staff in the group, please keep unwell children at home. Usually, if you are in doubt as to whether a child is well enough to come to school - they aren’t!!!
If your child becomes ill at school, we will call you or your emergency contact so that your child may be taken home. For this reason, please keep all contact details current. Children with infectious diseases MUST be excluded from school. Please refer to the standard exclusion periods advised by the Queensland Government “Time Out” information sheet (see Recommended Exclusion Periods).
If your child’s temperature reaches 37.5ºC they will be sent home.
First Aid
The First Aid Kit is located in the Sick Room, Groundsman shed and the Prep classrooms. A portable First Aid Kit, used for excursions and times when students leave the school grounds, is kept in the Sick Room cupboard. The Prep room maintains a minor First Aid Kit of bandaids etc for minor incidents. A portable first aid bag (waist bag) is used during lunch duties.
There are two staff members who are the school First Aid Officers. All staff members ask the officers if they are unsure of treatment. However, parents are always phoned to notify you of the incident.
All treatment of individuals is recorded in the School First Aid Record Book by the person who is treating the individual. In the case of serious incidents the teacher to whom the accident is reported needs to ensure that the School Accident Form (located in the Sick Room) is completed. It is then passed to the Principal, who determines if further reports to the Diocesan and the Division of Workplace Health and Safety are required.
All staff members are encouraged to gain their First Aid qualifications. There is a list of qualified first aid staff members in the staff room.
Head Lice
From time to time cases of head lice are reported to the school. As anyone can be easily infected, parents and caregivers are asked to be vigilant by periodically checking their child’s hair. If head lice are found, then immediate attention is required to prevent them from spreading. Various lotions and shampoos are available from chemists for the treatment of this problem.
What happens if your child gets head lice?
DON’T PANIC – Most children have head lice at some time in their school life. Begin treatment immediately and check for effectiveness. (For more information see the "Managing Head Lice at Home" package available on the Queensland Health Website).
Send your child back to school as soon as effective treatment has commenced. Your child is not a risk to others as long as treatment has commenced.
Health Records
At the beginning of each school year, it is important that parents inform us of any changes to children’s health records, emergency contacts etc. Please keep us informed of changes as they occur. In the event of an emergency or accident the decision we make will depend upon the information which you have provided.
N.B. Please ensure that your telephone contacts lodged with the school) are current, in case of emergency.
Medical Conditions
If your child suffers from a medical condition such as anaphylaxis, asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes, etc, please ensure that an up-to-date action plan from your GP has been provided to the school at the beginning of each school year. You are encouraged to provide a copy to the office but it is important that you have uploaded the most recent copy to your child’s CareMonkey profile as this is accessible for teachers when attending excursions.
These action plans need to be updated yearly to help the school meet your child’s medical needs should it be necessary. Please see the office staff if you have any questions.
Reducing the spread of Infections
Infections with or without illness, are common in children. When children attend school they are exposed to a large number of children, increasing the opportunity for the spread of infectious diseases. It is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within schools, however a lot of illnesses from infectious disease can be prevented.
Please refer to the Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health.
Sick Children
Children complaining of ill health are sent to the Office where a decision is made as to what action is taken (period in sick bay or contact with parent). Office staff will report back to teachers if a child is being taken home. We have two First Aid Officers on staff. Other staff members have their first aid certificate too. These are displayed on the sick bay window.
Prescribed Medication
Prescribed medication will be administered as directed by the child’s doctor or as set out on the original bottle label by the pharmacist. Medication can only be administered by staff if labelled by a pharmacist with your childs name and accompanied by a completed Medication Form (a hard copy of this form is available from the school office). Panadol or other non-prescription medicine cannot be administered under any circumstance. Parents have to come to the school if Panadol is required.
Please Note: We cannot administer the 1st dose of any medication.
Any medication to be administered must be given to the teacher and sent to the office to be kept in a secure area. Only office staff or leadership team members can administer medication.
Click here to download our Consent to administer medication at school form.